Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Britská literatura

Thomas, Edward. "Adlestrop".

Summary and Analysis - a relatively regular pattern of end rhymes, occasional internal rhymes - a series of fragmented impressions as perceived from a train "unwontedly" stopping at the village of Adlestrop -...

Waugh, Evelyn. A Handful of Dust.

Characters - John Beaver (25): poor, living on invitations for lunch and weekend visits, not too favourite in the society - Tony Last (30): upper middle class, strongly attached to the...

Woolf, Virginia. "The Mark on the Wall".

Summary The speaker establishes the theme of the mark on the wall and begins recalling the day and the circumstances of the day when she saw it. The mark interrupts her dwelling on an "old fancy" of medieval...

Yeats, W. B. Cathleen ni Houlihan.

Summary and Analysis - one-act nationalist drama set in 1798 - Cathleen ni Houlihan = the symbol of Ireland Michael Gillane is to marry the beautiful Delia Cahel the next day, the pair has a...

Yeats, W. B. The Golden Helmet.

Summary and Analysis - a nationalist play - presents all characters (except the Red and Black Men) dressed in different shades of green Conal and Leagerie are visited by the Red Man and suggested to play...

Yeats, W. B. The Hour Glass.

Summary The Wise Man is visited by a Fool demanding a penny and claiming the gift will make the Wise Man happy. The Wise Man asks why the Fool has the sheers in his hand. The Fool demands four pennies and then...

Záznamy: 121 - 126 ze 126

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