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Britská literatura

Carter, Angela. "The Executioner's Beautiful Daughter".

Characteristics - setting: an isolated village high in the uplands - dwellers: sullen people with flat, boneless faces like the Eskimo, eyes with slack skin of the Mongolian instead of eyelids - men:...

Carter, Angela. The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories.

"The Bloody Chamber" Summary A young innocent girl is married to a rich old widower. He leaves her after the wedding night to attend to business and entrusts her with his keys. She is forbidden to enter one...

Chaucer, Geoffrey. "General Prologue" to The Canterbury Tales.

The Canterbury Tales Introduction (from Norton) - originally conceived as a series of 120 tales x but: completed 22 tales, began 2 others - the title: the Canterbury Cathedral was a favourite pilgrimage site,...

Chaucer, Geoffrey. "The Friar's Prologue and Tale" from The Canterbury Tales.

The Canterbury Tales (from Norton) - originally conceived as a series of 120 tales x but: completed 22 tales, began 2 others - the title: the Canterbury Cathedral was a favourite pilgrimage site, the site of...

Chaucer, Geoffrey. "The Merchant's Prologue, Tale and Epilogue" from the Canterbury Tales.

The Canterbury Tales (from Norton) - originally conceived as a series of 120 tales x but: completed 22 tales, began 2 others - the title: the Canterbury Cathedral was a favourite pilgrimage site, the site of...

Chaucer, Geoffrey. "The Miller's Prologue and Tale" from The Canterbury Tales.

The Canterbury Tales (from Norton) - originally conceived as a series of 120 tales x but: completed 22 tales, began 2 others - the title: the Canterbury Cathedral was a favourite pilgrimage site, the site of...

Chaucer, Geoffrey. "The Pardoner's Introduction, Prologue, Tale and Epilogue" from The Canterbury Tales.

The Canterbury Tales (from Norton) - originally conceived as a series of 120 tales x but: completed 22 tales, began 2 others - the title: the Canterbury Cathedral was a favourite pilgrimage site, the site of...

Chaucer, Geoffrey. "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale" from The Canterbury Tales.

The Canterbury Tales (from Norton) - originally conceived as a series of 120 tales x but: completed 22 tales, began 2 others - the title: the Canterbury Cathedral was a favourite pilgrimage site, the site of...

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. "This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison".

Notes (from Norton Anthology)  - the poem was composed in a garden bower consisting of linden trees, where he was left for few hours by his visiting friends William and Dorothy Wordsworth and Charles...

Defoe, Daniel. Moll Flanders.

Introduction (by David Blewett) A Moral Fable The title page of the original edition of the novel emphasizes the scandalous nature of the protagonist's life. Her life resembles the fictional rogue biographies...

Eliot, T. S. "Portrait of a Lady."

Summary - introduced by a statement signed "The Jew of Malta" announcing in a biblical language a sin of fornication was committed x continuing in a common language it does not really matter - winter: an...

Eliot, T. S. "The Hippopotamus".

Summary - introduced by a quotation from an apostolic letter in Latin with a note asking this epistle to be read also in the church of Laodiceans ("Epistle to the Laodiceans", a fake) - the speaker...

Farquhar, George. The Beaux-Stratagem.

Summary In the prefatory "Advertisement", the author apologizes for the faults of the play and at the same time pays tribute to his friend, the actor Robert Wilks, to whom he claims to owe the success of the...

Fielding, Henry. Joseph Andrews.

Book I Summary Introductory Notes: In the "Preface" to the novel the author gives his views on the nature of different literary genres and characterizes his own narrative. The first chapter pays tribute to the...

Forster, E. M. "The Road from Colonus".

Summary Mr Lucas travels through Greece to fulfil his old wish to see this country. Haunted by the awareness of his getting old and his therefrom springing general discontentment. Greece disappoints him. He...

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