Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Comprehensive Test.


(1) That’s an interesting word. *Have you invented it yourself?

That’s an interesting word. Did you invent it yourself?

(2) Despite *of the snowfall, he managed to come in time.

Despite the snowfall, he managed to come in time.

(3) The best way *how to learn to use the programme is to use it.

The best way of learning to use the programme is to use it.

The best way to learn to use the programme is to use it.

(4) There’s no use *of trying it again.

There’s no use in trying it again.

(5) You would have saved me *a lot troubles if you *told me where you *go.

You would have saved me a lot of trouble if you had told me where you went.

(6) I think*, that there is no need to worry.

I think that there is no need to worry.

(7) Have we got *a homework for tomorrow? [‘homework’ = not countable]

Have we got any homework for tomorrow?

Have we got any pieces of homework for tomorrow?

(8) *How is it called in English?

What is it called in English?

(9) How do you *call it in English? [= způsob přivolání]

How do you say it in English?


Translation CZ > E

(10) Kolik lidí bylo na Měsíci? [= dosud]

How many people have been to the Moon?

(11) Nechci chodit ven, kdyby přišla pošťačka.

I do not want to go out in case the post comes.

(12) Čím víc budeš odkládat zaplacení té složenky, tím větší bude penále.

The more you postpone paying *for/0 the bill, the bigger the fee is.

> ‘pay for/*0 a lunch’ x ‘pay *for/0 the bill’

(13) Zeptala se mě, kde jsem to našla.

She asked me where I found/*have found it.

(14) Ten zámek se zasekl? Zkus ho namazat olejem.

The lock will not work? Try *to oil/oiling it. [= experiment]

(15) Navrhuji, abychom odjeli příští týden.

I suggest our leaving next week.

I suggest that we leave/should leave next week.

> ‘next week’ = a single point x ‘the next week’ = the whole week

(16) Na Univerzitě Palackého studuji prvním rokem.

I have been studying at *the/0 Palacký University since one year.

(17) Myslím, že se přistěhoval před třemi lety, ale mohu se mýlit.

I think he moved in three years ago but I may/might/could/*can be wrong.


Translation E > CZ

(18) He will be released on probation provided he is on medication.

Propustí ho na kauci pod podmínkou, že se podrobí léčbě.

(19) But that it should happen to me! This is the kind of situation other people get into!

Že se to stane zrovna mně!

(20) US officials now estimate that as many as three thousand dolphins may have died with similar symptoms.

Americké úřady odhadují, že s podobnými syndromy mohly zemřít až tři tisíce delfínů.

(21) His portfolio has increased by 3,285 per cent.

Jeho portfolio stouplo o 3 285 procent.

(22) Did anyone say they wanted toast? [‘toast’ = nepočitatelný x ‘přípitek’ = počitatelný]

Chtěl někdo toast?

Základní údaje

  • Seminář

    Gramatika pro překladatele.
  • Vyučující

    Markéta Janebová.
  • Semestr

    Zimní semestr 2006/07.
  • Status

    Volitelný seminář pro III. blok.


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