Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL


Even If vs. Even Though

- even if >> hypothetical condition

- even though >> actual state of things

E x e r c i s e :

Even if I wasn’t the best manager, someone will.

= I kdybych bývala nebyla nejlepší…

- implication: the speaker believes she was in fact the best

Even though I wasn’t the best manager, someone will.

= Ačkoliv jsem nebyla nejlepší…

- implication: the speaker realises she wasn’t really the best


Although vs. Though, Even If vs. Even Though, Despite / In Spite Of vs. Although

- although >> although + clause

- though >> special construction ADJ + though; end of a clause

- despite, in spite of >> despite, in spite of + NP or –ING infinitive

E x e r c i s e :

She was given a car, although/though she was still too young to learn to drive.

- more formal > although; more colloquial > though

I eat most dairy products. I am not keen on yoghurt, *although/though.

- end of a clause > though

Extraordinary *although/though it may seem, I didn’t recognise her.

- special construction > ADJ + though

Even though/*Even if I didn’t know anybody at the party, I had a good time.

- not conditional, refers to the past > even though

*Even tough/Even if he loses the election, the president will still control foreign policy.

- conditional, refers to the future > even if

In the last century hotel porters in Siena called all foreigners English, even if /*even tough they were Russian.

- implications: even if > some of them were Russians; even though > all of them

*Despite/*In spite of/Although she is an accountant, she never seems to have any money.

- before a clause > although

Despite/In spite of a bad cough, she was able to sing in the choir.

- before a NP or –ING infinitive > despite, in spite of


In Case vs. If

- in case >> pro případ, že...

- if >> pokud

E x e r c i s e :

Ann might phone this evening. I don’t want to go out in case/*if she phones.

I hope you’ll come to London sometime. *In case/If you come, you can stay with us.

I need to talk to Susan. Can you tell her about it *in case/if you see her.

Write your name on the bag in case/*if you lose it.

Go to the lost property office *in case/if you lose your bag.

The burglar alarm will ring *in case/if somebody tries to break into the house.

E x e r c i s e :

Vezmi si deštník pro případ, že bude pršet.

Take your umbrella in case it rains.

Vzala jsem si kabát, kdyby byla zima.

I’ve taken my coat in case it is cold.

Dám ti své telefonní číslo pro případ, že se něco stane.

I’ll give you my phone number in case something happens.


If vs. In Case vs. When + Present vs. Future

- C1: (future) – C2: if + present (= pokud) >> action of C1 can only occur after the condition of C2 occurs (I will buy some milk, if I go shopping.)

- C1: (conditional) – C2: in case + present (= pro případ, že…) >> action of C1 occurs before the condition of C2 can occur (You should ensure your bicycle in case it is stolen.)

- C1: (future) – C2: when + present (= když) >> C2 temporal x not conditional (I will buy some milk, when I go shopping.)

E x e r c i s e :

I’ll come and see you if/*in case I pass/*will pass though London.

You should insure your bicycle *if/in case it is stolen/*will be stolen.

You should inform the police if/*in case your bicycle is stolen/*will be stolen.

E x e r c i s e :

When I go shopping, I’ll buy some milk.

- implication: the speaker will go shopping

If I go shopping, I’ll buy some milk.

- implication: the speaker may go shopping or may not

We’ll buy some more food in case Tom comes.

- sequence: the speaker buys the food >> Tom comes

We’ll buy some more food if Tom comes.

- sequence: Tom comes >> the speaker buys the food

E x e r c i s e :

Kdybys ho znala tak dobře jako já, nikdy bys mu ty peníze nepůjčila.

If you knew him so well as I do, you would never lend him the money.

Kdybych věděl, jak je ta práce těžká, nikdy bych ji nevzal.

If I knew how difficult the job was, I’d never have accepted it.

Když budete něco potřebovat, moje sekretářka vám pomůže.

If you need something, my secretary will help you.


If… Future vs. Conditional

- C2: if + future – C1: future >> polite instruction (If you come this way, the manager will see you now.)

- C1: I wish – C2: conditional NEG >> annoyed request (I wish you would not keep interrupting me.)

- C1: I would be grateful – C2: if + conditional >> polite request (I would be grateful if you would give me a little help.)

E x e r c i s e :

If you will come this way, the manager will see you now.

- C2: if + future – C1: future > polite instruction

I’d be grateful if you would give me a little help.

- C1: conditional – C2: if + conditional > polite request

I’d like to know if you will be using the car tomorrow.

- C1: conditional – C2: if (= whether) + future > main clause…dependent object clause

I wish you wouldn’t keep interrupting me.

- C1: I wish – C2: conditional > annoyed request

I wish Sarah would come.

- C1: I wish – C2: conditional > activity

I wish she were here.

- C1: I wish – C2: past > state

E x e r c i s e :

*If Jack had been honest, he would return the money.

If Jack were honest, he would have returned the money.

*The video would pause if you press this button.

The video pauses if you press this button.

*If you knew what it was going to be like, why have you come?

If you knew what it was going to be like, why did you come?

*We might soon be making a profit if all will go according to the plan.

We might soon be making a profit if all goes according to the plan.

*If Tom hadn’t called yesterday then who was it?

*When Tom hadn’t called yesterday then who was it?

If Tom didn’t call yesterday then who was it?


Were vs. Was

- conditional + were >> formal

- conditional + was >> colloquial

Kdyby nebylo těch komárů, tak by se mi tady líbilo.

Were it not for the mosquitoes, I would like it here.

Kdyby nebylo tvé pomoci, nevím, co by se stalo.

Was it not for your help, I don’t know what would have happened.

If it were not for your help, I don't know what would have happened.


Other Conditionals

- the sooner + present – the sooner + present >> čím – tím

- as soon as >> čím – tím

- as long as >> (potud), pokud

Čím rychleji to nádobí umyješ, tím dřív budeš s kamarády.

The quicker you wash the dishes, the quicker you are with your friends. >> The sooner you wash the dishes, the sooner you are with your friends.

Kdyby přišel, vyhodil bych ho hned, jak by vešel do dveří.

If he came, I would kick him off as soon as he entered the room.

Můžeš tu bydlet, pokud budeš platit nájem.

You can live here if you pay the rent. >> You can live here as long as you pay the rent.

Bez téhle přísady by ten beton popraskal hned, jak by uschl.

Without this ingredient the concrete would cracle as soon as it dried.

- until >> do doby než (= a po celou tu dobu)

- by the time >> tou dobou, když… (= někdy během té doby)

Počkám, dokud nebudete připravení.

I’ll wait until you’re ready.

Do té doby, než přijdeš, budou všichni hosti pryč.

All the guests will be gone before you come. >> All the guests will be gone by the time you come.

- if + NEG >> unless

Pokud nemocnice nedostane víc peněz, bude se muset zavřít.

If the hospital doesn’t get more money, it will have to close up. >> Unless the hospital gets more money, it will have to close up.

Základní údaje

  • Seminář

    Gramatika pro překladatele.
  • Vyučující

    Markéta Janebová.
  • Semestr

    Zimní semestr 2006/07.
  • Status

    Volitelný seminář pro III. blok.


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