Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Kennedy, Alison Louise. (b. 1965).

W o r k

- a Scottish novelist, short story writer, reviewer, non-fiction writer, screenwriter, and stand-up comedian

- characteristic for her obsessive and compulsive tone, original language, and dark humour

Night Geometry and the Garscadden Trains (1990):

- a bleak collection of short stories set in Scotland

- her first collection establishes her as a writer of intimate narratives exposing vast areas of feeling behind the surface of ordinary lives

- often deals with single women who are neither happy nor content within relationships

Looking for the Possible Dance (1993):

- a novel centring on a young Scottish woman's developing relationships

- progresses from the passionate attachment to her father to the more complicated relationship with her lover, and continues to examine wider social relationships between pupil x teacher, employee x employer, and individual x state

So I Am Glad (1995):

- a novel focusing on the trauma of child sexual abuse and its consequences in adulthood

- the protagonist is forced to come to terms with her suppressed experience through the words she speaks as a professional voice-over artist

Everything You Need (1999):

- a study of depression and/or a warning about the dangers of writing

- a novel about a burnt-out middle-aged writer, estranged from his wife to whom he is still devoted, and his adult daughter whom he has not seen for fifteen years

- set on an isolated island where a group of writers find their retreat and where the father invites his daughter to meet her without revealing his identity

Day (2007):

- a novel on the damage inflicted by WW II on the life of a former prisoner-of-war


(Photo: Official Sites).

  • Author

    Alison Louise Kennedy. (b. 1965). Scottish.
  • Work

    Novelist. Short story writer. Non-fiction writer. Author of So I Am Glad (1995).
  • Genre

    Postmodern fiction.


A. L. Kennedy. Official Sites.

"A. L. Kennedy". Contemporary Writers. The British Council.

"A. L. Kennedy". Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation.


"Love is Godless, God is loveless and everything is as bad as you always suspected."

From "The Mouseboks Family Dictionary" in Now That You're Back (1994).


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