Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Whitman, Walt. "A Woman Waits for Me".


The speaker observers that there is a complete woman waiting for him. She lacks nothing, but she would lack all if there were sex missing. He sees sex as all-including, as comprising bodies, souls, purities, results, songs, health, governments, etc. He likes men and women who are without shame, as he is. He dismisses impassive women and turns himself towards the woman waiting for him.

He recognizes that women are not inferior to men, women are equal to him in their abilities and rights. He clings to women, but he observes that they are not made for his sake only, but for the sake of others, too. The same applies him. Throughout the poem he addresses "women", not a single woman. He loves "women" and seems to find pleasure also in contributing to the offspring of "sons and daughters fit for these States". These future children will have further children who will have further children, etc., etc. The speaker observes that through his pleasure he is planting immortality.


The poem is a shameless celebration of sexuality and procreation. It speaks against conventional morality and the idea of having but one sexual partner in life-time. The speaker allows the same privilege to men and to women, he does not think women inferior in any way.


  • Author

    Whitman, Walt. (1819 - 1892).
  • Full Title

    "A Woman Waits for Me".
  • First Published

    1856. As: "Poem of Procreation".
  • Form


Works Cited

Whitman, Walt. "A Woman Waits for Me". (1856). Leaves of Grass. NY: Penguin, 1944.


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