Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Bradstreet, Anne. "As Weary Pilgrim".


She describes the end of a pilgrimage, when the pilgrim delights in his silent site and is now free from dangerous voyages with their burning sun, stormy rains, wolves, lack of water etc.

Then she calls herself a pilgrim who arrived near the end of her voyage. She is a sinful creature and her body is weary by her age. She desires to soar among the blessed in heaven and to rest forever from the worldly troubles.

She feels ready for the day of dying and entering heaven and asks the bridegroom (i.e. Jesus, the soul is married to him) to come away.


  • Author

    Bradstreet, Anne. (1612 - 1672).
  • Full Title

    "As Weary Pilgrim".
  • First Published

  • Form


Works Cited

Bradstreet, Anne. "As Weary Pilgrim". In: The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Baym et al. NY: Norton, 1989.



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