Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Browning, Elizabeth. "How do I love thee".


- the speaker answers her rhetorical question and counts the ways in which she loves

- loves in all the dimensions her soul can reach, in each moment of each day and night, etc.

- in her love finds the faith she thought was lost in the process of losing her former ideals

- loves freely, purely, and passionately: if God chooses, she will love even more after death



- a movingly sincere love sonnet

- suggests the many dimensions and many different aspects of love

- presents her love as the ultimate fulfilment of her life

- at the same time shows respect for God's will (leaves it up to Him whether she will be allowed to keep on loving after her death)


  • Author

    Browning, Elizabeth. (1806 - 1861).
  • Full Title

    Untitled, the first line is used for identification.
  • First Published

    In: Sonnets from the Portuguese. 1850.
  • Form


Works Cited

Browning, Elizabeth. "How do I love thee". (1950). In: The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams. NY: Norton, 1993.


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