Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

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(1) Levels of Language Representation and Their Basic Units.

(Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Lexicology, Semantics). (1.1) Language (1.1.1) Language Definition - language = a basic means of human communication, a system of conventional signals used for...

(2) The Basic Structural Units and Concepts Relevant in the Description on the Level of Sound.

(Phoneme, Allophone, Feature, Contrast, Complementary Distribution, Neutralisation of Contrast; Phonological Rules; Vowel and Consonant Inventories of English [RP, GA] and Czech) (2.1) Phonetics and...

(3) British RP Pronunciation and General American Pronunciation.

(The history of the Standard, Socio-economic Values, Links to Geographical Areas; the Main Phonetic and Phonological Characteristics of RP and GA [Differences in Phoneme Inventories, Occurrence of Phonemes in...

(4) Reading a Text Transcribed in IPA.

(Issues Involved in Transcribing Speech; Narrow vs. Broad Transcription; Differences between Main Transcription Systems in Transcribing Vowels; the Variety of English Represented by the Transcription and its...

(5) Non-native Pronunciation of English.

(The Phenomenon of ‘Foreign Accent’, Sources of the First Language Interference [Differences in Phonemic Inventories, Phonetic Realisation of Phonemes, and Phonological Rules], Problematic Aspects of English...

(6) Varieties of English.

(Characteristic Pronunciation Features of one of the Following Varieties of English: Scottish, Northern, Cockney, Estuary, Southern US, or New England and NY State English; Comparison of the Variety to the...

(7) Word-formation.

(Types of Word-formative Processes and their Manifestation in English and in Czech). (7.1) Word-formation - word-formation = the creation of a new word - x semantic change = a change in the meaning of a single...

(8) Parts of Speech.

(Criteria for their Classification; Similarities and Differences between English and Czech; Grammatical Categories; Subcategorisation of Numerals, Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections). (8.1) Criteria...

(10) Nouns: Definiteness in Detail.

(Types of Determiners and their Distribution within Particular Types of Nouns). (10.1) Definiteness as a Grammatical Category - a semantically-grammatical category - manifested in articles and in some...

(11) Nouns and their Gender.

(Natural, Grammatical; Primary and Secondary Functions; Signals of Gender). (11.1) Gender as a Grammatical Category - a semantically-grammatical category, more semantic than grammatical - E: semantic criteria:...

(12) Nouns and their Number.

(Productive and Less Productive Types of Plural Formation; Foreign Plurals, Plurals in Compound Nouns; Singularia Tantum, Pluralia Tantum; Semantic Functions of Number). (12.1) Number as a Grammatical...

(13) Nouns and their Countability.

(The Relationship to Definiteness and Number; The Semantico-Grammatical Nature of Countability and the Degree of Grammaticalisation in English and Czech; Nouns Uncountable in Particular Meanings; Countability...

(14) Adjectives and their Formal and Semantic Properties.

(Syntactic Functions; The Nature of Gradation, its Formal Characteristics and Semantic Restrictions; Adjectives and Adverbs Identical in Form; Adjective in –ly; Sequences of Adjectives in Pre-modifying...

(15) Pronouns.

(Types of Pronouns; Their Formal and Semantic Properties; Their Syntactic Functions). (15.1) Characteristics of Pronouns (15.1.1) Pronouns versus Nouns - pronouns = replace nouns/noun phrases => lack a...

(17) Adverbs.

(Formal, Semantic and Functional Properties; Typical Adverbial Suffixes, Adverbs Derived from Adjectives, Adverbs Identical in Form with Adjectives; Differences in Spelling, Gradation; Subcategorisation of...

Záznamy: 1 - 15 ze 21

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