Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Použité zkratky a značky

A                                                                                                N

accord. = according, accordingly, etc.                                               North Carolina         

Af. = Africa, African, ...                                                                   NE = Nebraska     

Am. = America, American, ...                                                           newsp = newspaper  

anonym. = anonymous, anonymously, ...                                           NM = New Mexico  

autobiog. = autobiography, autobiographical, ...                                 NV = Nevada   

                                                                                                   NY = New York    

B                                                                                                O   

Br. = Britain, British, ...                                                                   OE = Old English

btw = between                                                                            OH = Ohio

                                                                                                  orig.= original

                                                                                                  oth. = other

C                                                                                                P

c. = century                                                                                 PA = Pennsylvania

CA = California                                                                              philos. = philosophy

Cath. = Catholic                                                                            pop. = popular

coll. = collection                                                                            Portug. = Portuguese

collab. = collaboration                                                                    posthum. = posthumous

conc. = concern                                                                           POV = point of view

concl. = conclusion                                                                        preocc. = preoccupation

consid. = consider                                                                         publ. = publish

contemp. = contemporary

contrib. = contribute

CT = Connecticut

E                                                                                                R

ed. = editor                                                                                 relig. = religious

En. = England                                                                              rep. = republic

E = English                                                                                  repres. = represent

Eur. = Europe                                                                              rev. = revolution

establ. = establish                                                                         Rom. = Roman

                                                                                                  Rus. = Russian

F                                                                                                S

F = female                                                                                   Scot. = Scotland

FL = Florida                                                                                  Scott. = Scottish

Fr. = France                                                                                 Sp. = Spanish

fwd = forward                                                                              sth = something

G                                                                                                T

GA = Georgia                                                                               TN = Tennessee

Ger. = German                                                                             transl. = translate

Gr. = Greek                                                                                 twd = toward

I                                                                                                U

IL = Illinois                                                                                   unconc. = unconcerned

illustr. = illustration                                                                        uni = university

incl. = include

Ind. = Indian

infl. = influence

introd. = introduction

Ir. = Irish

Ita. = Italian

K                                                                                                V

KS = Kansas                                                                                 VA = Virginia

                                                                                                  vol. = volume

L                                                                                                Y

LA = Lousiana                                                                               y. = year

lit. = literature

Lat. = Latin

M = male                                                                                    < = influenced by sb/sth (passive)

MA = Massachusetts                                                                     > = influenced sb/sth (active) 

ME = Maine                                                                                 >> = a change of sth into sth else

MS = Mississippi                                                                            <=> parallel


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