Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL


Ke zkoušce z fonetiky zřejmě neexistuje žádný oficiální seznam zkušebních témat, tudíž jsem si látku předmětu rozdělila do menších logických celků dle vlastního uvážení.

Informovaný čtenář snad pochopí to, co nechápe můj počítač, a to, že diakritická znaménka IPA se píší přesně pod/nad symbol (nikoliv tedy někde před či za, jak se mi někdy děje). Ve webové verzi je bohužel diakritika dost špatně čitelná, ale v dokumentech ke stažení se už zobrazuje zřetelně.

Všechny materiály si můžete stáhnout současně v jediném dokumentu, viz odkaz umístěný na této stránce pod anketou, anebo jednotlivě po rozkliknutí příslušných článků, odkaz pak najdete opět pod anketou.

Fonetika a fonologie

(1) Phonetics and Phonology: Defining the Discipline

- both describe the sounds + the combinatory possibilities of the sounds and the prosody of the language (how pitch, loudness and length work to produce accent, rhythm, and intonation) Phonetics - describes...

(2) Articulatory Phonetics

The Vocal Organs - the respiratory system pushes air out of the lungs > the windpipe (= trachea) > the larynx > the vocal tract - the vocal tract: the vocal cords > the oral tract within the mouth...

(3) Phonetic Features

- statements conc. phonemic categories and allophonic variants made wrt only one variety of one language - the features stated mainly in articulatory terms, only some of them in auditory or acoustic - binary...

(4) Prosodic Features

- vowels and consonants = segments - together form the syllables - features imposed on the syllables = suprasegmentals, or, prosodic features - suprasegmentals infl. patterns extending over larger chunks of...

(5) IPA Transcription

Phonological versus Phonetic Transcription - IPA = International Phonetic Association - founded in 1886 by a group of leading phoneticians from Fr., Ger., GB, and Denmark - the International Phonetic...

(6) The Consonant Inventory of English

- the consonant inventory of E: 24 phonemes - 6 of them with restricted occurrence /h, r, ʒ, ŋ; w, j/ The Distinctive Consonants - a process of commutation = the discovery of minimal pairs - 24 distinctive...

(7) Allophones of English Consonants

Stops Variations in the Manner - aspiration, indicated by a small raised letter h [h] = a period of voicelessness after the stop articulation and before the start of the voicing for the vowel (‘pie, tie, kye’...

(8) The Vowel Inventory of English

- the vowel inventory of E: 20 vowels - 12 monophthongs, 8 diphthongs Relatively Pure Vowels /i:/ (‘bead’) - description: high front unrounded, near to Cardinal Vowel 1 [i] - variants: diphthongization in...

(9) Allophones of English Vowels

- vowel sounds form a continuum, no distinct boundaries btw one type of vowel and another - x unlike consonant sounds (a consonant may be e.g. a stop or a fricative, not halfway btw the two) - the traditional...

(10) Phonological Rules

- phonological rules = describe the variations of the sounds in terms of simple statements about regular sound patterns - not prescriptive x but: descriptive rules Allophones of English Consonants (a) [−...

(11) RP and GA

Standards of Pronunciation - the extreme sensitivity of the British to variations in the pronunciation of E unparalleled in any oth. country => a standard pronunciations exists, though never explicitly...

(12) Non-standard Varieties of English

- basilectal varieties = used by lower socio-economic classes and middle classes in informal situations Scottish English (SE) = an alternative standard to RP within the British Isles Vowel Differences - SE...

(13) Non-native Pronunciation of English

Teaching the Pronunciation of English - vocabulary and grammatical structures can be ordered and taught in sequence - x pronunciation does not permit such progressive treatment, all phonetic/phonological...

Záznamy: 1 - 13 ze 13


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