Heaney, Seamus. "North".
- the speaker talks about his returning to the Atlantic strand, encountering the present non-telling landscape, yet travelling back in his memory to look at the sad history of the "North"
- describes scenes of the violent past reaching back as far as to the Vikings, followed by a series of less specific, but equally violent images of occupations of the land
- conclusion: announces he will penetrate the whole of the dark history of the land, never to forget, but to search his memory to recall and to relate
- free verse, unrhymed, yet melodic
- relates the present and the past: relates the present landscape he observes with the past events which took place here; also draws a parallel between the past and the present occupiers of the land
- expresses his profound sadness about the condition of the land x but: adopts an active and defensive attitude
Heaney, Seamus. (b. 1939).
Full Title
"North". -
First Published
In: North. London: Faber and Faber, 1975.
Works Cited
Heaney, Seamus. "North". Opened Ground: Poems 1966 - 1996. London: Faber and Faber, 1998.