Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Hughes, Langston. "Morning After".

Summary and Analysis

(from American Literature II Lectures)

A poem written in a playful blues stanza: i.e. rhymed AAa BBb, with any number of stanzas, and much improvisation. The common themes presented in blues stanza are hard life full, drugs, alcohol, problematic relationships. It follows the tradition of lamenting and complaining.

The speaker communicates his feelings of the last night. He was drunk with some strong low-quality alcohol and was sick. He had nightmares, believed he was in hell. When he woke up, his girlfriend was snoring very loud, and he was desperately trying to tell her to be quiet.

Though the poem presents a nightmare, its tone is light and playful, so that the effect is rather comedy than tragedy.


  • Author

    Hughes, Langston. (1902 - 1967).
  • Full Title

    "Morning After".
  • Form


Works Cited

Hughes, Langston. "Morning After". In: The Harper American Literature. Ed. Donald McQuade et al. 2nd Compact Edition. New York: Harper & Collins, 1996.

American Literature II Lectures.


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