Kennedy, A. L. "A Perfect Possession".
- an intimate confession of parents attempting to supress what they consider evil in their child by the means of their love to the boy and to God
The Title
- the complete ("perfect") possession of a child by his parents
- "perfect" as a quality the parents seek to achieve in their boy
The Child
- a boy of about six, apparently physically and mentally suffering
- strikes the reader as a very normal child possessing qualities natural for a boy of that age
The Parents
- rigid church-goers, believers in the Original Sin (see their conception of a child as a sin) and in the depravity of human race (thence also the depravity of their child)
Kennedy, Alison Louise. (b. 1965). -
Full Title
"A Perfect Possession". -
First Published
In: Now That You Are Back. London: Cape, 1994. -
Short story.
Works Cited
Kennedy, A. L. "A Perfect Possession". Now That You Are Back. (1994). London: Vintage, 1995.