Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Kennedy, A. L. "The Mouseboks Family Dictionary".


- an alphabetic list of words with special meaning to the eponymous family

- a mock psychiatrical analysis of the family history conditioning their present state

- the family - a set of lustful, morbid, and paranoid people

- refuse all kinds of religion, hence find no consolation in their lives

- fear one another, their own selves, and life in general



- inventive in both form and content, creative, original, and amusing

- characters trapped within the cyclical trajectory of their daily routine, incapable to surpass their limits, failing to live and to enjoy it


  • Author

    Kennedy, Alison Louise. (b. 1965).
  • Full Title

    "The Mouseboks Family Dictionary".
  • First Published

    In: Now That You Are Back. London: Cape, 1994.
  • Form

    Short story.

Works Cited

Kennedy, A. L. "The Mouseboks Family Dictionary". Now That You Are Back. (1994). London: Vintage, 1995.


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