Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

MacNeice, Louis. "Snow".


- the speaker broods over the immediacy of experience he felt on sitting in a room when suddenly snow began to fall: the sudden contrast between the snow x the roses at the window sill

- peels and eats a tangerine, perceives another contrast between the snow x the fruit, and more and more feels "The drunkenness of things being various"

- relates one more contrast, between the snow x the fire in the room; concludes with the statement there is far more than a window glass dividing our senses and the world



- melodic: irregularly yet skilfully rhymed, internal rhymes, imperfect end rhymes

- fascination by the incapability of human beings to grasp all of the aspects of the world

- celebration of the "incorrigible plurality" of the world beyond the reach of human senses


  • Author

    MacNeice, Louis. (1907 - 1963).
  • Full Title

  • Form


Works Cited

MacNeice, Louis. "Snow". Collected Poems. London: Faber and Faber, 1979.


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