Studium anglistiky na KAA UPOL

Rossetti, Christina. "Song - When I am dead".


- a simple yet moving love song/melodic poem

- the speaker addresses her "dearest" and asks not to be mourned after her death

- wishes for no sad songs and no flowers, but for green grass to cover her grave

- gives her lover a free choice whether he will like to remember or forget her

- sadly yet peacefully contemplates she will neither see nor hear in "the twilight" of her coffin, and maybe she will remember and maybe she will forget


  • Author

    Rossetti, Christina. (1830 - 1894).
  • Full Title

    "Song - When I am dead".
  • Form


Works Cited

Rossetti, Christina. "Song - When I am dead". The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams. NY: Norton, 1993. 


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