Sassoon, Siegfried. "Attack".
Summary and Analysis
- a harshly melodic poem, the prevalence of sonorous sounds reinforces the theme
- an image of the morning: the bloody colour of the sun, the smoke, the tanks, etc.
- a forceful image of the soldiers: their moves clumsy with the carried weapons, their bleak faces "masked with fear", their watches ticking completely uninterested, etc.
- the personified image of hope: "flounders" diminished "in mud"
- concluding cry: "O Jesus, make it stop"
Sassoon, Siegried. (1886 - 1967). -
Full Title
"Attack". -
Works Cited
Sassoon, Siegfried. "Attack". The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams. NY: Norton, 1993.