Medailonky autorů
Amis, Kingsley. (1922 - 1995).
L i f e
- youth: a radical member of the Communist Party x middle age: a conservative anti-Communist, disillusioned with the USSR
- father of Martin Amis, a lifelong friend of Philip Larkin
W o r k
A n g r y...
Amis, Martin. (b. 1949).
L i f e
- son of Kingsley Amis
W o r k
- a novelist, short story writer, and literary critic
- concern: the absurdity of the post-modern condition, the excesses of late-capitalist Western society, and the...
Arnold, Matthew. (1822 - 1888).
L i f e
- son of Dr Thomas Arnold (1795 – 1842): a clergyman, headmaster of the Rugby School, and the godfather of Victorian earnestness
- preoccupied with creating a system of education for the...
Atkinson, Kate. (b. 1951).
L i f e
- born in England, currently resident in Edinburgh
W o r k
- magic realism: blends everyday life with fantastic events
- introduces an anti-Family Saga: a tragi-comic parody of the traditional family...
Auden, Wystan Hugh. (1907 - 1973).
L i f e
- sympathised with the Left in the 1930s
- became an American citizen (1946)
W o r k
1 9 3 0 s P e r i o d :
- the poet of his times: diagnoses the ills of his country under Depression
- employs...
Austen, Jane. (1775 - 1817).
W o r k
- concern: getting married = the central preoccupation for young leisure-class ladies with no other career than domesticity open to them
- characters: provincial English gentlefolk = a...
Bainbridge, Beryl. (b. 1932).
W o r k
- writes black comedies with eccentric characters exposing human folly and self-deception
- uses merciless, sardonic, even macabre humour x but: sympathetic to her characters, both male and female
Banks, Iain. (b. 1954).
W o r k
- writes literary fiction as Iain Banks and science-fiction as Iain M. Banks
L i t e r a r y F i c t i o n :
- characterized by restraint style, swift pace, mordant wit, attention to detail, and...
Barrett-Browning, Elizabeth. (1806 - 1861).
L i f e
- unusually educated for a woman of her time: studied Latin, Greek, history, philosophy, and literature
- married Robert Browning, eloped with him to Italy: deeply involved in Italian nationalist...
Beardsley, Aubrey. (1872 - 1898).
L i f e
- died of TBC when not yet 26 years old
W o r k
I l l u s t r a t i o n s :
- the most controversial visual artist of the ‘Art Nouveau’ era (1890s – beginning of the 20th...
Beerbohm, Max. (1872 - 1956).
L i f e
- studied Oxford where he became a part of the Oscar Wild set
- considered a great wit and entertaining companion x but: exhausted his inspiration by the age of 35
- followed G. B. Shaw as a drama...
Bennett, Arnold. (1867 - 1931).
W o r k
- a traditional writer accepting literary conventions => famous and successful in his time
- his favourite setting: the five drab towns of the Staffordshire Potteries
- his favourite image: a hotel...
Blake, William. (1757 - 1827).
W o r k
- poet, painter, engraver, and illustrator
- illustrations for his poems = an integral and mutually enlightening combination of words and design
- ‘illuminated printing’ = his own method of relief...
Bowen, Elizabeth. (1899 - 1973).
L i f e
- born and spent her childhood in Ireland (Bowen’s Court) x but: settled in England
W o r k
The Last September (1929):
- her early novel, concerned with the tensions in the history of her...
Braine, John. (1922 - 1986).
L i f e
- involved with a local theatre > inspired the themes of his Room at the Top & other novels
- suffered from TBC, treated in a sanatorium > inspired his The Vodi
W o r k
- author of some 15...