Gramatika pro překladatele
Even If vs. Even Though
- even if >> hypothetical condition
- even though >> actual state of things
E x e r c i s e :
Even if I wasn’t the best manager, someone will.
= I kdybych bývala nebyla...
Indirect Speech and Would.
Temporal Adverbs Shift
- here > there
- this / these > that / those
- now > then
- ago > before
- tomorrow > the next / following day
- today > that / the same day
- yesterday > the day...
Past Tenses.
Present Perfect
> continuous action (from past to present)
> repeatable action
> unique action x but: ‘hot news’
> emphasis on result (from past to present)
Past Simple
> finished action
Proper Nouns and Countability.
Proper Nouns
The Vatican is in Rome.
- ‘the Vatican’
- cities => 0
We flew to New York from Gatwick Airport.
- airports > 0
John works for IBM.
- company name => 0
We stayed in a small hotel near...
Comma, Colon and Semicolon
Obligatory Comma
> non-restrictive relative clause (WH- pronoun)
> preposed long dependent clause/minor clause/adverbial
> parenthesis
> number
> sequence of similar...
Verb Complementation.
Direct Object vs. Prepositional Object
Direct Object Form
- give, pass, tell, ask, offer, promise, advise, show, etc.
> They offered me a pay rise.
> I was offered a pay rise.
- direct object + to INF...
Comprehensive Test.
(1) That’s an interesting word. *Have you invented it yourself?
That’s an interesting word. Did you invent it yourself?
(2) Despite *of the snowfall, he managed to come in time.
Despite the...
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