Britská literatura
Mansfield, Katherine. "Something Childish but Very Natural".
Henry (18) almost misses his train when he stops by a book stall and reads Coleridge's love poem "Something Childish but Very Natural". When in the train, he meets Edna (16), falls in love with her,...
Mansfield, Katherine. "The Doll's House".
The Burnell girls, Isabel, Lottie, and Kezia, get a coloured doll's house with miniature dolls and furniture. Kezia is most enchanted by the realistic amber lamp with a white globe. Isabel invites...
McGrath, John. The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil.
(from the Heinemann edition)
- the play was performed by McGrath's 7:84 Theatre touring throughout Scotland ("7 per cent of the population own 84 per cent of the wealth")
- combines modern theatre...
Morgan, Edwin. "Glasgow Green".
- free verse, irregular stanza, irregular line
- describes a night in Glasgow full of shadows and implied threads
- begins to describe a scene of violent argument and cuts it off as unfinished
Morgan, Edwin. "Message Clear".
- a page of scattered letters is concluded by the full line saying "i am the resurrection and the life"
- the scattered letters are seemingly arbitrarily taken from the concluding line to be placed in...
Morgan, Edwin. "Spacepoem 3: Off Course".
- a list of collocations concerning a space flight and the related conditions
- the attributes and the head nouns of the first part of the poem are scrambled in the the latter part with stabs to...
Morgan, Edwin. "Strawberries".
- a love poem recollecting a summer afternoon the speaker spent with his lover eating strawberries
- the heat of the day reinforces the heat in the lovers
- the recollection concludes with a mention of...
Morgan, Edwin. "The First Men on Mercury".
- a bizzare dialogue between the men arriving to the Mercury and the Mercury natives
- the men attempt to explain their peaceful intentions and describe the Earth
- the natives react in nonsense sounds
Morgan, Edwin. "The Mummy".
- an amusing though absurd dialogue between mummy arriving from Cairo and an official welcoming him to Paris
- the madame attempts to explain to the mummy of Rameses II that he must be restored in order...
Owen, Wilfred. "Dulce et Decorum Est".
Summary and Analysis
- an ironic poem contrasting the horrors of war x "the old Lie: Dulce et decorum est / Pro patria mori" (= Latin for "It is sweet and appropriate to die for one's country.")
- the...
Owen, Wilfred. "Strange Meeting".
Summary and Analysis
- restrained imagery = a sense of numbness throughout the whole poem
- dying: no relief, no forgetfulness x but: a resignation, an awareness of the evil
- the speaker escapes from...
Owen, Wilfred. "The Parable of the Old Man and the Young".
Summary and Analysis
- a sonnet
- ironically adapts the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac to the modern condition
- retells the whole tale in a self-consciously archaic language: the preparations Abraham...
Pope, Alexander. "Epistle 2. To a Lady."
(from Norton)
The Origin of the Poem
The poem is one the four poems which were grouped together by the author under the title Epistles to Several Persons (1744), but are better known by the later...
Pope, Alexander. The Rape of the Lock.
(from Norton)
The poem is based on an actual episode that provoked a quarrel between two families. Lord Petre had cut off a lock of hair from the head of Arabella Fermor, which caused much...
Richardson, Samuel. Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded.
[In a series of familiar letters from a beautiful young damsel to her parents. Now first published in order to cultivate the principles of virtue and religion in the minds of the youth of both sexes. A...