Britská literatura
Amis, Martin. Time's Arrow.
Tod Friendly, America
- the everyday life of an old man turning young: each activity being described as it would be done backwards
- doctor job: "you have to be cruel to be kind," observes the narrator...
Anonymous. "The Wanderer".
(from Norton + my own reading)
An elegiac lament of one man on the loss of a lord, of companions in arms and of a mead hall. Movingly captures the dreary loneliness of an exile in search of a new lord...
Anonymous. Beowulf.
(from Norton)
- composed in c. 8th century, preserved in a 10th century manuscript
- a long elegiac Old English epic reviving the heroic language, style and pagan world of ancient Germanic...
Anonymous. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
(from Norton)
- the finest Arthurian romance in English, by an unknown author presenting it as on oral poem
- shows high sophistication and knowledge of the international Middle Ages culture as well...
Arnold, Matthew. Culture and Anarchy.
- added to the essay in 1875
- points out some of the ideas of the following essay and explains some references, esp. to religious works, and allusions to newspapers
- the aim of the essay: to...
Atkinson, Kate. "Charlene and Trudi Go Shopping".
- Charlene takes her friend Trudi to buy a present for Charlene's mother
- as they stroll in the shopping malls, they develop their fantasies about an ideal world, love and present - all against the...
Atkinson, Kate. "The Cat Lover".
- a fantasy story mingling a dystopian version of England swayed by strong winds and magic realism in describing a lonely woman's want for a child
- the protagonist: Heidi, the twin sister of Trudi...
Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey.
Trip to Bath: Catherine Morland, aged seventeen, is the eldest daughter out of ten children of Mr Richard Morland, a clergyman, and his wife. The family lives in Fullerton, Wiltshire. Catherine...
Bainbridge, Beryl. The Bottle Factory Outing.
- Freda (26): British; 190cm, 108kg; well dressed, make-up; actoress castings.
- Brenda (32): British; thin; from a good family, marries a rude man, whom she leaves; does not care how she...
Brooke, Rupert. "The Soldier".
- the speaker imagines he would be killed in action and turned into dust in a foreign land
- the vision of his dead body turning the part of the "foreign field" where it would lie into England and...
Browning, Elizabeth. "How do I love thee".
- the speaker answers her rhetorical question and counts the ways in which she loves
- loves in all the dimensions her soul can reach, in each moment of each day and night, etc.
- in her love finds the...
Burney, Frances. Evelina.
Volume One
Evelina's Family History: Lady Howard from Howard Grove, Kent, announces to Reverend Arthur Villars from Berry Hill, Dorsetshire, that Madame Duval from Paris wishes Villars's ward, her...
Butler, Samuel. Erewhon; Or, Over the Range.
"Preface to First Edition"
"The Author wishes it to be understood that Erewhon is pronounced as a word of three syllables, all short—thus, Ě-rě-whŏn" (p. 5).
"Preface to Second Edition"
The author...
Butlin, Ron. "Vivaldi Learns a New Skill".
- playful magic realism
- set in Venice where the composer Vivaldi is always late for rehearsals and there is rumour about the now old man and the two sisters who care for him
- the young girl Bianca...
Byron, George Gordon. "She Walks in Beauty".
- the black-haired woman with pale skin = a clear night with the stars shining
- admires the perfect harmony of her beauty ("One shade the more, one ray the less" would already spoil the impression)