Britská literatura
Kennedy, A. L. "The Mouseboks Family Dictionary".
- an alphabetic list of words with special meaning to the eponymous family
- a mock psychiatrical analysis of the family history conditioning their present state
- the family - a set of lustful,...
Larkin, Philip. "Church Going".
- the speaker, apparently a non-believer, enters an empty church
- observes and describes the surroundings, realises the place was not worth stopping for, yet succumbs into a series of meditations...
Larkin, Philip. "To Failure".
- the speaker addresses failure in a free and irregular soliloquy
- muses about the way failure comes: the 1st stanza describes how it does not come, the 2nd describes the state after its coming
Larkin, Philip. "Water".
- the speaker announces he would construct a religion out of water
- develops his argument in terms of "ford" making, "sousing", and "drenching" which are applicable both to the quality of water and to...
Lawrence, D. H. "Odour of Chrysanthemums".
- establishes the rather unpleasant setting in a dirty industrial England landscape
- gradually reveals the character of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bates, and the nature of her marriage to the...
Lewis, C. S. The Problem of Pain.
- the author humbly states that he writes the book as a mere layman of the Church of England
- the book purports to tackle the intellectual problem of suffering
Lochhead, Liz. Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off.
Act I
- La Corbie's monologue introduces the situation
- Elizabeth refuses her suitors, Mary comments on their qualies how she sees them herself
- Elizabeth becomes Bessie, Mary's maid; Mary then...
Lodge, David. Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses.
"1. Flying."
Professor Exchange: The chapter alternately follows two planes moving in the opposite direction from shortly after their take-off to the moment of their landing. It is the 1st of January...
MacNeice, Louis. "Prayer before Birth".
- the speaker, a strikingly wise baby "not yet born", addresses mankind in a sadly knowing soliloquy
- expresses his fear of the destructive power of "human race" which may overwhelm and destroy his...
MacNeice, Louis. "Snow".
- the speaker broods over the immediacy of experience he felt on sitting in a room when suddenly snow began to fall: the sudden contrast between the snow x the roses at the window sill
- peels and eats...
MacNeice, Louis. "The Suicide".
- the speaker conducts his audience in the office of a late clerk
- points out the things he left behind at his working place: bills, letters, memoranda, etc.
- claims this seemingly unimportant man...
MacNeice, Louis. "The Sunlight on the Garden."
- the speaker pitifully describes the fading "sunlight on the garden" = the passing time
- announces the end of a chapter in human life = in human history
- addresses his "friend" to inform him that...
Mansfield, Katherine. "Bliss".
Bertha Young (30), a fashionable upper-class lady, returns from shopping in high spirits and contemplates her blissful life. The nanny does not want her to feed her little daughter because she might...
Mansfield, Katherine. "Miss Brill".
Miss Brill spends Sunday afternoons in a park where she observes people and listens to their conversation. She feels a part of it, like an actress on the stage. One Sunday she takes a fur out of a box,...
Mansfield, Katherine. "Prelude".
The Burnells are moving from the town to the country and their individual characters are revealed. Linda Burnell proves to be an ineffective mother: leaves the two youngest daughters, Lottie and...