Medailonky autorů
Farrell, James T. (1904 - 1979).
W o r k
- born in Chicago: portrayed the Chicago of his youth
< the material and moral poverty of slums, the mechanised religious faith, and the political parties
- sympathised with Marxism x but: refused...
Faulkner, William. (1897 - 1962).
L i f e
- born William Falkner in Mississippi, later changed the spelling to Faulkner
- grew up with the stories about his ancestors, his family, and the past
W o r k
- concerned with ‘the problems...
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott. (1896 - 1940).
L i f e
- his father was from a poor, though socially prominent family x his mother was born into ‘new money’
- fell in love with Zelda, started to work at his novel This Side of Paradise to win...
Franklin, Benjamin. (1706 - 1790).
L i f e a n d W o r k
- a printer, publisher, journalist, essayist, philosopher, merchant, scientist, educator, inventor (Franklin stove, lighting rod, etc.), politician, and diplomat
- born...
Freneau, Philip. (1752 - 1832).
L i f e
- received university education (ministry), studied the classics and English poets
- supported the Revolution: contributed patriotic verse for H. H. Brackenridge’s magazine, called the ‘Poet of...
Frost, Robert. (1875 - 1963).
L i f e
- his life = a Gothic chronicle of disasters
- the death of his father, the death of his 1st child in infancy, the suicide of his only son, the death of his daughter in childbirth, the mental illness...
Fuller, Margaret. (1810 - 1850).
L i f e
- a teacher, transl., editor, journalist, literary and social critic, feminist theorist and advocate, and poet
- received a rigorous education led by her father: studied the Bible, the classics, W....
Glasgow, Ellen. (1874 - 1945).
L i f e
- born in an aristocratic Southern family in Virginia > her own experience of the rural agricultural life
- anticipated the growth of the Southern Renaissance
W o r k
- subject:
(a) the South and...
Gold, Michael. (1893 - 1967).
L i f e
- originally Irving Granich, son of Jewish immigrants in NY, adopted the penname of Michael Gold
- a social and political activist, novelist, playwright, and essayist
- sympathiser with Marxism, member...
H.D. (1886 - 1961).
W o r k
- pioneered the modernist poetry: contributed to Imagism, Vorticism, & other such movements
- concerned with the experience of a woman and the psyche adrift in a violent and insecure reality
- felt...
Hakluyt, Richard. (ca 1552 - 1616).
L i f e
- an English geographer, scholar, lecturer of geography and cosmography at Christ Church College (Oxford), and promoter of the exploration of the New World
- an unofficial publicist for early British...
Harris, Joel Chandler. (1848 - 1908).
L i f e
- born in Georgiana
- apprenticed in a printing shop
- worked for regional newspapers, then for the Atlanta Constitution
- largely self-taught <=> M. Twain
W o r k
< dialect tales heard in...
Harte, Bret. (1836 - 1902).
L i f e
- two years the chief editor of the Overland Monthly in San Francisco (the magazine was a platform for new writers, including M. Twain)
- contributor for the Atlantic Monthly in Boston
W o r k
- wrote...
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. (1804 - 1864).
L i f e
- born in Salem (Massachusetts) in a Puritan family
- ambivalent about his Puritan heritage: admired the strong will x but: disapproved of the dogmatic behaviour
- secretive about his...
Hearn, Lafcadio. (1850 - 1904).
L i f e
- born in Greece, son of a British father and a Greek Mother
- studied to become a clergyman x but: gave up and left for America
- interest in literature, became a librarian, and a journalist
- not...