Medailonky autorů
Walpole, Horace. (1717 - 1797).
L i f e
- born Horatio Walpole, the 4th Earl of Orford, a son of the Prime Minister Sir Robert Walpole
- a politician, Member of Parliament, devotee of King George II x but: politically...
Waugh, Evelyn. (1903 - 1966).
W o r k
E a r l y P e r i o d :
- writes satire, comedy, and grotesque
- jests at human folly, injustice, crime, and even potential horror
- preoccupied with society in decay, human...
Wells, Herbert George. (1866 - 1946).
W o r k
S c i e n c e - f i c t i o n :
- contrasts the advantages of a scientifically planned future x the anti-humanist aspects of scientific progress
The Time Machine (1895)
The Island of Dr...
Welsh, Irvine. (b. 1958).
W o r k
- preoccupied with Scottish identity, Scottish prejudice, and Scottish axiom
- uses phonetic transcription of his native Edinburgh Scots dialect, also experiments with typography
- his novels share a...
Welsh, Louise. (b. 1965).
W o r k
The Cutting Room (2002):
- a crime novel about a Glasgow auctioneer who accidentally comes across a series of photographs showing a woman before and after she is murdered and feels compelled to...
Wesker, Arnold. (b. 1932).
L i f e
- born as a son of an East End Jewish tailor > uses his Jewish roots and East End life experience in his writing
W o r k
- a prolific playwright, author of more than 40 plays
- kitchen sink...
Wilde, Oscar. (1854 - 1900).
L i f e
- born in Dublin, but settled in England
- sued by his male lover's father for sodomy, sentenced to a 2 year jail, and died a broken man in a Paris exile
W o r k
< influenced by the...
Woolf, Virginia. (1882 - 1941).
W o r k
- with her husband, Leonard Woolf, founded the Hogarth Press (1917 - 1946), publishing among others T. S. Eliot’s works
- herself concerned with the problems of personal identity...
Wordsworth, William. (1770 - 1850).
L i f e
- a lifelong friend of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: collaborated on Lyrical Ballads
- in youth radical x in middle age conservative in both politics and religion
W o r k
- associated with...
Yeats, William Butler. (1865 - 1939).
P o e t r y
- creates his own symbolic system of mystical or quasi-mystical ideas
- characterized by coherence of imagery, power of vision, passionate sensuality,...